Course syllabus


Welcome to ERP spring 2025

This is the one-credit course without any literature but where you upload your Elaborated research plan before starting up the supervision process leading to the presentation of the AS MA thesis, 17-18 June, 2025. For the full AS MA thesis course handbook, please see under Modules!

The African Studies: Elaborated Research Plan (ERP), 1 credit, AS3020, is to be submitted no later than Wednesday, March 26, 2025 at noon.

The ERP should not be more than 1200 words, maximum two and half pages, and include a preliminary:

  1. draft title,
  2. objective in one sentence with definitions and arguments for this,
  3. research questions,
  4. account for the methodology and/or the theory/theories used,
  5. account for the source materials used, their strengths and weaknesses,
  6. account of the state of research and an estimation of how your study will contribute with new insights into the field.

A passed and accepted research plan is conditional for beginning the ten-week supervision process with a supervisor assigned by the university. If you are a student of an earlier academic year, there may be special requirements (make sure you have a registration or a re-registration from the previous year, or you may need to first apply through Contact for all administrative issues and further information!



Course Syllabus

Contact information

indicates that you can upload a photo

Reading List


Your Name

Course Coordinator


Indicates that you can upload a photo.

Teacher 1

Role in the Course


Indicates that you can upload a photo.

Teacher 2

Role in the Course

Course summary:

Date Details Due