Course Syllabus

Welcome to the course: IT1034  Italian Beginners Course II


Course Instructor: Alessandra Giglio (

Course Responsible and Examiner: Vera Nigrisoli Wärnhjelm (

In case you need technical/administrative help:


Useful information (in progress)

    • Zoom Room -> link
    • Course Outline -> link
    • Course Overview and Calendar
    • Reading List -> link
    • Course Calendar -> link
    • Canvas information and manuals -> link
    • Student Manual
    • Group Selection


Course material: 

Seminar Slides

Weekly Schemas 


Literature and Course Files


Introduce yourself in the Forum


Chit chat:

Students' Space

I found a mistake!

This course is aimed at students who completed DU Italienska: Nybörjarkus I course or attended two years of Italian at Swedish high school level (step 2). At the end of the course, students will reach a level of knowledge of the Italian language equal to three years of high school studies (step 3) and will be able to enroll in "Italienska A" courses.
During the course, students will progress with their Italian communicative (written and oral) competence and will deepen Italian linguistic and cultural topics.


The course is composed by 1 introductory seminar (90 min) + 14 content seminars (90 min).
Students will be divided into 2 groups, by students' choice at the introductory seminar.
Tentative calendar: Group 1 - Wednesdays, 18.00-19.30; Group 2 - Thursdays, 18.00-19.30 (to be confirmed!)


Enrolled students will find the course manual and other informative material in the course material.