
Welcome to the course "Grundläggande svenska som andraspråk II" at Dalarna University!

This course is based in Borlänge but our lessons will take place in Zoom. Occasionally, recorded material will be offered via our learning platform. 

During this course you will have the opportunity to learn basic Swedish and develop your perceptual and productive skills in the language in simple, predictable situations.  You will study, amongst other things:

  • basic principles of pronunciation in Swedish
  • elementary Swedish vocabulary 
  • Swedish elementary grammar structure

We see the group work as an important resource in all course activities, made evident by the feedback of previous participants of the course who have highlighted the value of working in groups around interactive exercises as well as around texts, Swedish vocabulary and grammar.

The work around language does not stay in the classroom though. We therefore hope that you also take the chance to actively try using the language in your meetings with Swedish speakers outside the school environment.

Here you will find links to the course syllabus and to the course literature list.

The course starts Thursday 3rd of april 9.00 am ord 13 pm in Zoom. 

Welcome to the course!

Here you will see the preliminary schedule Schema GSS3BH.vt25.doc





röd dalahäst



lila dalahäst


Christiane Ederyd





"Roll i kursen"




"Roll i kursen"



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