Course syllabus

Campus Borlänge


Welcome to Fluid dynamics (EG1012) at Dalarna University

Dear students,

Please see the following useful info about the course

Course structure and content: The info on the course can be found here. Overall, the course is taught in 3 different modules as follows:

  • Basics of fluid dynamics (Taught by Guest Prof. Johannes Koke, from university of Osnabruk, Germany)
  • Fluid dyanmics in building (Prof. Xingxing Zhang)
  • Wind energy, and hydro energy (Puneet Saini).

The course is evaluated thru a group presentation (2.5p) and an written exam (5p)

On-campus or online 

All the lectures can be attended on campus or online.

The first exam can be taken on campus. Only under exceptional circumstances can the first exam be taken online, at a university within the EU. However, the student needs to arrange this themselves by coordinating with The coordinator (Puneet Saini, should be informed about it a few weeks before the exam, if you plan to take the exam online. The exam should be written mainly in English, however, there might be possibility to write some parts in Swedish

There is no mandatory exercises/lectures in the course, however, it is highly recommended to attend all the exercise sessions. Recorded material will sometimes be made available on our learning platform, and Zoom will be used for digital meetings. The zoom room for the lectures/meeting is available in schema. 

The course schedule can be find here
For any information, feel free to contact me at

For any urgent matters, please call me at + 46 700264251

For support regarding admissions or any other issues, contact




Course Syllabus

Contact information

indicates that you can upload a photo

Reading List


Puneet Saini, Dr.

Course Coordinator



Xingxing Zhang, Prof.

Teacher (Ventilation)



Johannes Koke, Prof.

Guest Teacher (Basics of fluid dynamics)


Course summary:

Date Details Due