Course syllabus
Welcome to "Sensing invisible presence" at Dalarna University
Dear all,
Thank you for enrolling in this course, which I hope will be both interesting and exciting. This course room is currently under construction, and this is where you will find the schedule, course literature, and other information which you need to prepare for our first meeting on Monday 20th of January at 3 pm through the following Zoom link:
All meetings will be held online (through the link above) and recorded material such as lectures will be made available here at the learning platform.
The goals for the course are the following:
- analyse the occurrence of presence experiences at the individual, group and community level in different contexts
- discuss and critically reflect on presence experiences from different theoretical perspectives
- compare and discuss cultural psychological and clinical perspectives on extraordinary experiences
- discuss and evaluate different empirical research methods applied in the study of invisible presence
- choose, justify and apply a research method for a small empirical investigation
- independently and in a nuanced way apply relevant, theoretical perspectives and concepts to a defined material.
The main course book, "How God Becomes Real" by Tanya Luhrmann (2020) can be accessed online through our library at The remaining articles and book chapters are attached in the course room.
Please keep an eye out for further information as this website will be developed continuously until the course kicks off. Also, make sure that you have registered for notifications so you are updated.
I look forward to inspiring, interesting, and challenging discussions!
Contact information |
Your Name Course Coordinator |
Teacher 1 Role in the Course |
Teacher 2 Role in the Course |
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |