Course syllabus
Welcome to study "Post-Soviet Russian Society, 10 credits, at Dalarna University!
Upon completing the course, you will be able to:
- demonstrate basic knowledge of post-Soviet Russian history and social structure
- give an account of significant political and economic changes in Russian society from 1991 to the present
- explain significant phenomena in contemporary Russian society, such as censorship, the structure of the media and political structures
- demonstrate basic knowledge of the social structure of contemporary Russian society
- discuss notions of Russian identity.
We have no physical meetings in Falun, the course is completely web-based with obligatory online seminars in real time.
The rollcall takes place via Zoom on Wednesday, March 12, at 16:30. The link to the Zoom-meeting is available below.
For more information on Zoom, please, see:
For participation in the seminars, you will need a headset with a microphone and a web-camera. It is compulsory to use webcam during online seminars. Please, check if your microphone and headset work in good time before the seminar. If you have any problems, contact Supportcafé in Zoom.
Time: The seminars will take place on Wednesdays at 16:30 - 18:00. For the detailed timetable see below.
The attendance is obligatory, and for the seminars to fulfill their purpose, everyone is expected to come to the meeting having done the assigned homework. Please, note that English is used as the language of instruction/discussions.
Course literature:
- Sakwa, R. (2021). Russian politics and society (Fifth edition). Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 9780415538466
- Digital material for 7 seminars, comprising approximately 300 p., available under "Modules"
More information on the course is available in the course handbooks: GRY284.Student Handbook.VT25; GRY284.Kurshandbok.VT25
Contact information |
Nikita Mikhaylov Course Coordinator & teacher |
Timetable VT25
Wednesdays, 16:30 - 18:00 (CET), week 11 - 23
Zoom meeting: