Course syllabus



Welcome to Tourism and Society TR1033 at Dalarna University

This course addresses the role of tourism in society and the complex relations between tourism (as phenomenon) and people (cultures and societies). The development of tourism in different parts of the world is analysed in the context of global economic development and how it varies on different geographical levels from global to local. The role of the state in the process of overall socio-economic development is discussed in relation to developed/developing countries. Development of tourism in peripheral areas of the world are related to the development of work-related migration and transnational relations among migrants. The use of natural resource and their economic value for the tourism development is also discussed. Religious, ethical and gender issues in connection to the relations between host and guests are given a special focus during this course. Different ways to describe tourism in terms of development and tourism flows using statistical data will be discussed.



Course Syllabus

Contact information

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Reading List


David Scott

Course Coordinator


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Eleanora Rossi



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Jana Brehmer

Role in the Course

Course summary:

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