Course syllabus



Welcome to the Bachelor Degree Thesis in Literature at Dalarna University

This course will be taught entirely online, with a combination of real-time online workshops and students' self-study under the guidance of a supervisor that will be assigned to your work. Some secondary material will be made available on our learning platform, and Zoom will be used for digital meetings.

You will find the schedule in the corresponding module (menu on the left). The Zoom link for our workshops is:

When you take this course, you will study and practice the following:

  • the literary research process, including choice of topic and research question. 
  • how to choose and implement a suitable methodology and theoretical approach for your Bachelor's Degree thesis in literature. 
  • the craft and practice of academic writing through an independent literary study of a well-defined and limited problem area connected to an aspect of literature in English.
  • adequately providing and receiving, in oral and written form, constructive feedback on your own and other's work in an academic context.




Course Syllabus

Contact information

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Reading List

Prof. Carmen Zamorano Llena

Course Coordinator


Dr. Billy Gray



Dr. David Gray


Course summary:

Date Details Due