Course syllabus

Campus Borlänge


Welcome to International Social Work: Contemporary Debates and Practices, at Dalarna University

The course introduces the students to key concepts and current theoretical debates in the field of international social work which then can be applied to case examples in different parts of the world. A primary focus is on international social work practices and ethical challenges, but the course also addresses policies and global dimensions in domestic social work.

During the course you will broaden your perspective on social work, strengthen your critical thinking skills and conduct an in-depth study of a case of international social work! 

All course materials will be available in the "Modules" tab. After the course introduction on January 20, all registered students will get a compendium. All courses literature is easy to find and download from the university library databases or the course coordinator. 

The zoomlink and location for the course introduction will be sent to your student e-mail and will be visible in "Announcements" in this course room, prior to course start.

Looking forward to meeting you soon, on campus or online! 

Zlatana, course coordinator



Course Syllabus

Contact information

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Reading List


Your Name

Course Coordinator


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Teacher 1

Role in the Course


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Teacher 2

Role in the Course

Course summary:

Date Details Due