Course syllabus
Welcome to "English for Teachers, grades 7-9" at Dalarna University
The lessons in this course will be taught online via Zoom. Recorded and other course material will be made available on our learning platform. When you take this course, you will study the following, this term:
- Written Proficiency in English I
- Children and Young Adult Literature
An important feature in the design of the course is that it connects theory with practice. For example, we go through important things to consider when writing in English and when considering and analysing literature in the teaching of English to pupils in year 7-9.
We view group work as an important resource in all course activities, made evident by the feedback of previous participants of the course, who highlighted the value of group discussions. Due to the broad scope of the course, it is impossible to go into depth on all topics, but we hope that what you learn will inspire interest and help you develop the tools you need in your continued professional development.
An introduction to the course is scheduled for Tuesday, 21 January, 3.00 - 3.45 pm via Zoom
Zoom link to all seminars
Course guides and other material will be available under Modules before the start of the course.
Here you can find an updated timetable for the course GEN222 VT25 TIMETABLE FIRST-TERM STUDENTS 25-03-19.pdf
Questions? Contact Marcia Markus,
Contact information |
Marcia Markus Course Coordinator |
Konstantin Andreev Teacher (Written Proficiency I) |
Fredrik Land Teacher (Young Adult Literature in English) |
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |