Course syllabus



Online groups meet on Zoom, in room and the campus group meet on campus in Falun. Recorded material will sometimes be made available on our learning platform, and Zoom will be used for digital meetings.
When you take this course, you will study the following:
Module 1 - Form and Function
Module 2 - Ideology

You will sign up for a group under "People" and "Groups", and then follow that group throughout the term. Under the Module 1 - Form and Function, you'll see what to prepare for the first seminar.

    • Group 1, will have their seminars on Tuesdays 8:30-10, in Zoom. However, the first seminar is 2 hours: 8-10, Tuesday January 28
    • Group 2, will have their seminars on Tuesdays, 10:30-12in Zoom. However, the first seminar is 2 hours: 10:30-12:30, Tuesday January 28
    • Group 3 - The Campus group . For the most part, Wednesdays 13:00 - 14:30. However, due to extenuating circumstances, the first seminar on Wednesday 29th January will be for two hours and on zoom.  Zoom link:  All seminars thereafter (seminars 2 onwards) are campus.   You can access the campus group schedule  here Campus Group Day, Time and Room.xlsx 
    • Group 4 will have their seminars on Wednesdays, 8:30 - 10, in Zoom. However, the first seminar is 2 hours: 8-10, Wednesday January 29

You will improve your skills in these areas:
Analysis and critical review.
Writing a reflective final essay that is defended during a seminar.

We hope you engage in inspiring, interesting, and challenging discussions with your teachers and fellow students. As with all courses at Dalarna University, this course has a strong foundation in theory and research.

We view group work as an important resource in all course activities, made evident by the feedback of previous participants of the course, who highlighted the value of group discussions. Due to the broad scope of the course, it is impossible to go into depth on all topics, but we hope that what you learn will inspire interest and hel you develop the tools you need in your continued professional development as a higher education teacher in collaboration with your colleagues.


Course Syllabus

Contact information

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Reading List


Your Name

Course Coordinator


Indicates that you can upload a photo.

Teacher 1

Role in the Course


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Teacher 2

Role in the Course

Course summary:

Date Details Due