Course syllabus
Welcome to "The History of British and American Literature and Ideas" at Dalarna University
Welcome to The History of British and American Literature and Ideas at Dalarna University!
You are now in your course room. Until you register in your course, you will only be able to enter this room and log in as a guest. As a guest, you can access certain information about your course and your first weeks of study.
Be Ready To Start Your Studies
Throughout your studies, you will use Canvas, which is the name of this learning platform. After you register in your course, you will have full access to our learning platform Canvas.
Start of the Course
The course begins with the first lecture, Friday January 24, 10-12. We have also planned a short lecture on reading poetry, also Friday Jan 24, 13-14. After that we will meet online Mondays 8:30-10 or 10:30-12 for seminars, and Tuesdays 8:30-10 for lectures, until week 14, when the first module ends. Please sign up for one of the two groups here to the left, under "People".
Under "Modules" to the left you will find Various Modules; an important document here at the beginning of the course is the Course Compendium that we will use spring term 2025, telling you what to read for when and what to prepare. If you want to start your reading now, the first text to study will be The Tempest, and the second The Scarlet Letter. You can see which other texts to get hold of. (Please note, Conrad´s Heart of Darkness can be found in the Norton Anthology, as well as The Tempest in some editions of the Nortons, which we strongly recommend you buy, thus you won't need to buy that book separately. However, students on the Teacher Program do not need to read Heart of Darkness.)
Books to get hold of:
Greenblatt, S, et. al. 2024. The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Major Authors.
11th. New York: Norton. ISBN: 978-1-324-06290-5
Levine, et. al. 2022.The Norton Anthology of American Literature. The shorter tenth edition. New York: Norton. ISBN: 978-1-324-04622-6
Auster, P. 1987. The New York Trilogy. Harmondsworth: Penguin (158 p)
Brontë, C. 1994. Jane Eyre. Harmondsworth: Penguin (448 p)
Conrad, J. 2000. Heart of Darkness. Harmondsworth: Penguin. (224 p) - NB NOT the teacher students
Fitzgerald, F. S. 1988. The Great Gatsby. Harmondsworth: Penguin (171 p)
Hawthorne, N. 1983.The Scarlet Letter. Harmondsworth: Penguin. (276 p)
Shakespeare, W. (1610). The Tempest (Any Edition)
We have planned for two seminar groups online, Mondays 8:30-10, and 10:30-12.
I have created a Q&A Thread that you can use for questions concerning the course, please see here to the left under "Discussions". For technical questions and questions related to Learn, please use the links here to the right, or contact support.
Spring 2025 we will use the program Zoom for this course. If you are new to it, please go here and read more and install the software:
The Zoom room that will be used for all meetings, seminars and lectures online in this course is the following: to an external site.
Best regards,
Fredrik Land
Contact information |
Your Name Course Coordinator |
Teacher 1 Role in the Course |
Teacher 2 Role in the Course |
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |