Course syllabus

Campus Borlänge


Welcome to "Name of the Course" at Dalarna University

Welcome to "Chinese in Speech and Writing III"


You need to get yourself registered to the course via Ladok before the class starts. If you are a new student at Högskolan Dalarna, your log-in information will be sent to you at the latest in the week before the course begins.

General Information

This course is based on your self-study (with weekly assignments), as well as compulsory online sessions. You are expected to have well-functioning internet and computer equipment (headset and webcam), and be sufficiently prepared and active during our online sessions. The seminars will take place on Zoom. If you are new to Zoom, the following link will help you get prepared for the online seminars.

Preliminary schedule: every Tuesday, Group 1: 9.00-11.00, Group 2: 18-20 starting from week 4.

Please find detailed course info and grading criteria for this course in "GKI2PY course handbook".


Please make sure that you have the textbook in hand before the course starts.

Integrated Chinese Textbook Level 2 Part 1 (3rd Edition), or Volume 3 (4th Edition)

*Make sure that you purchase the "textbook," not "workbook."

Web App or ebook can be purchased in the publisher's website:

Or you may find a hardcopy here:

For questions regarding your application to this course, please contact the Admission Office (

For questions regarding course registration, please contact the student administrator (

You may also find answers to commonly asked questions about studying at DU in following document: Q&A current students HT24.pdf

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Teacher Yangfan (


GKI2PY schedule and ZOOM room





Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 631 3639 9296


If you have any questions, contact me

Yangfan Hultgen

Hello everyone! Welcome to the course. We have two different session times for this course. You don't need to inform me in advance; choose the best time for you and join the class!

Course summary:

Date Details Due