Course syllabus
Welcome to the MA course !
In this course you will carry out an advanced research project within within the field of intercultural literature studies. Presenting this project in the form of an academic paper, you will show that you are able to work independently with complex textual material and analythical methods, can handle the depths of theoretical speculation, and can communicate your findings in a logically coherent manner, with clearness and validity, following the conventions of academic writing.
Forms of teaching
The course has only two scheduled seminars. In the first seminar, you present your research ideas and how you plan to carry out your project. The course ends with a public-defense seminar, in which you defend your finished thesis. Besides these seminars, you will also get the opportunity to present your research at one of our department's higher research seminars. The main part of the course thus consists of independent work and meetings with your supervisor. The normal procedure is that you meet your supervisor 3-4 times during the semester, to discuss smaller parts of your text, and that you, at the end of the course, receive comments, orally or in writing, on your full preliminary text. Comments on your finished text are offered by the examiner. If the thesis is not passed at the end of the course, you may not receive further supervision, but you are entitled to get a revised and finished text evaluated and graded.
The course is examined in writing, by the completion of an academic thesis, and orally, by the presentation and defense of this thesis and by making a critical reading of a thesis written by another student. The thesis should have a length of about 30 000 words and should be written in English.
Schedule and course outline
The schedule and course outline is available here: AJP2A9-Outline-Spring-25.pdf
It is also published in this course's information module, which will be available once you have registered.
For questions about the course, please contact the course coordinator Herbert Jonsson: <>.
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |