Course syllabus

Campus Borlänge


Welcome to "Transculturality and Gender in Contemporary literature" at Dalarna University

This course starts in week 4

The lessons in this course will be taught entirely online (net-based).

Throughout your studies, you will use this platform for information and material and Zoom will be used for our digital seminars.

When you take this course, you will study the following:
The course includes in-depth studies of a number of representative contemporary literary works from Portuguese-speaking Africa, Portugal and Brazil. The works are contextualised in their specific socio-cultural, political and historical context and analysed primarily with respect to issues related to post-coloniality, gender and transcultural identities. Through the theoretical texts we deepen the understanding of some central post-colonial concepts and transcultural themes, such as luso-tropicalism, hybridity, cultural translation and
migration. We will study their relevance to the cultural understanding of the
Portuguese-speaking communities of today.
You will improve your skills in these areas:
explain key ideas in post-colonial and gender theoretical concepts and discuss
these in relation to transcultural issues in Portuguese-speaking post-colonial
· analyse and interpret literary works based on critical concepts and theories
addressed in the course, and relate the works to their socio-cultural and historical context
· orally and in writing communicate and argue for their own literary interpretations, and comment on others‘, with very good mastery of the Portuguese language
· independently search for, collect and use relevant sources, and refer to them in an academically correct manner.

If you have questions about the course, please contact me.
Best regards,
Chatarina Edfeldt, (course coordinator)

Course Syllabus

Contact information

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Reading List


Your Name

Course Coordinator


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Teacher 1

Role in the Course


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Teacher 2

Role in the Course

Course summary:

Date Details Due