Course syllabus
Welcome to Solar Building design at Dalarna University!
Welcome to the course Solar Building design that starts on Mondayt 8-12 in room B127 at Campus Borlänge. The course will also be followed by zoom through the course link that will be used for most of the lectures.
In the first lecture I will go through details of the course and start lectures will general background on solar buildings design, followed by more detailed lectures on windows and there energy performance. The lectures will also be recorded so you can see it afterwards.
I will be the main lecturer for the course, but Vicky (Jingchun Shen) will have some lectures on buildings simulation and introducing one of the home assignments you should do. Marieke Rynoson will take care on another of the home assignment on payback period for installing energy efficient windows. You will also meet Puneet Saini and André Augusto that will give you lectures on solar heating technologies for buildings and Building integrated PV (Photovoltaics).
Beside the two home assignments, you will write two reflection protocols where you connect the course content to your own experiences. I will give you instructions for these reflections protocols during the lectures.
The course handbook will be published later this week. In this handbook, details of the course and the examination will be described. I will also go through the main parts of this in the first lectures.
So welcome on Monday and my apologies for the late announcement of the first lecture.
Mats Rönnelid, main lecturer and course responsible
Contact information |
Mats Rönnelid Course Coordinator |
Teacher 1 Role in the Course |
Teacher 2 Role in the Course |
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |