Course syllabus
Welcome to the Communication in an
Intercultural Business Environment Website (code GFÖ36L)
It is planned that the course will run either on the Borlänge campus or online between Week 4, 2025 (starting Monday 20 Jan) and Week 13, 2025 (ending 30 March).
First, look at these links:
(1) Course information to access information about the general course contents, assignments overview, teacher information, etc. Further information and weekly instructions will be available to you in the Modules section once you are registered.
(2) Link to Schedule (note, there are 4 seminars throughout the course with several time options for each seminar, you can choose which of these options suits you best)
Then, click on the links below to access additional information and, if necessary, help (items #6-8):
(4) Literature list (all course material will be available via this course website, no need to buy any books)
(5a) Attending your seminars online? The link to the zoom room will be given in each Seminar module.
(5b) Attending your seminars on campus? Campus layout (location of classrooms)
(6) Support staff's Zoom room - access this Zoom room to speak directly to our support staff if you have questions about eg using the course website, using Zoom, or anything else regarding your studies here (not just this course). All the support staff are proficient in English.
(7) Support staff's email - for questions about applications/registrations, contact the course administrator (please write the course code GFÖ36L in the subject line of your email)
(8) Specific questions about the course - once registered use the Discussions section (see menu on the left) or before/after registration use the Inbox function (see purple menu, extreme left)
Once you are registered, you will have access to the course material which can be found in the Modules section (which you will see in the menu on the left)
I will provide material which you will download and use in Microsoft Word and Powerpoint formats. If you do not currently have access to these formats, the university offers the Office 365 package to registered students. More details via this link.
If the arrow in front of the Module name is pointing left, eg: just click on the arrow so it points down to see the contents, eg:
Once you have completed the work in a module, I recommend that you 'collapse' the module by clicking on the little arrow so it points left. In this way, you only have the current module material visible.
It is also recommended that you right click on a document/link/etc and open it in a new tab rather than directly within Canvas (makes navigation easier).
Regards Sarah
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |