Course syllabus

Campus Borlänge


NEWS FÖ3040!

Dear Students, (25-05-19)

Long time since but: I would definitely appreciate if you could take some minutes to give comments on your experiences of FÖ3040; course evaluation form is now published on Canvas!

All the best 



Dear Students, (25-01-15)

Now 9 groups and individuals have uploaded their assignments for Module 3. The seminar order for Friday 17:th will be as follows:


Seminar slot 1: 10-12, ZOOM

First respondent: Beatrice                                 First opponents: Emelie & Amanda

Second respondents: Emelie & Amanda           Second opponent: Josefin

Third respondent: Josefin                                   Third opponent: Moe

Fourth respondent: Moe                                     Fourth opponent: Irene

Fifth respondent: Irene                                       Fifth respondent: Beatrice


Seminar slot 2: 13-15, ZOOM

First respondents: Kristoffer & Theres          First opponent: Thomas

Second respondent: Thomas                          Second opponent: Maria

Third opponent: Maria                                    Third opponents: Natalie & Caroline

Fourth respondents: Natalie & Caroline      Fourth opponents: Kristoffer &



The instruction for the seminar is in the course guide and we will use as much time as needed for the exercise, but time to be used for each presentation/opposition is indicated in the course guide. Note that the seminar is mandatory.

See you on Friday!

All the best



Dear Students, (24-12-17)

Here is the list of supervision slots for Thursday and I have reserved 15 min for each you, as individuals or groups, which gives the following schedule for the activity:


10:00 - 10:15   Joud

10:15 – 10:30  Josefin

10:30 – 10:45   Kristoffer & Theres

10:45 - 11:00   Emelie & Amanda

11:15 – 11:30  Irene

11:30 – 11:45  Natalie & Caroline

11:45 – 12:00  Moe

13:00 – 13:15  Beatrice

13:15 – 13:30 Thomas


If you for some reason cannot make it according to the schedule, I will try to make another appointment with you. If you have decided to work together with someone, you can show up “as a pair”.

Use the link below and see you (also) on Thursday!

All the best



Dear Students, (24-12-17)

Now 12 of you have uploaded their assignments for Module 2, some of you have done that working as pairs. For the seminar of Module 2 all of you have, in any case, to make individual presentations and oppositions during seminar 2. The seminar order will be as follows:


Seminar slot 1: 10-12, ZOOM

First presenter: Thomas                       First opponent: Moe

Second presenter: Moe                        Second opponent: Emelie

Third presenter: Emelie                        Third opponent: Irene

Fourth presenter: Irene                         Fourth opponent: Therese

Fifth presenter: Therese                       Fifth opponent: Natalie

Sixth presenter: Natalie                       Sixth opponent: Thomas


Seminar slot 2: 13-15, ZOOM

First presenter: Caroline                      First opponent: Kristoffer

Second presenter: Kristoffer              Second opponent: Amanda   

Third presenter: Amanda                     Third opponent: Beatrice

Fourth presenter: Beatrice                  Fourth opponent: Josefin

Fifth presenter: Josefin                         Fifth opponent: Maria

Sixth presenter: Maria                           Sixth opponent: Caroline


The instruction for the seminar is in the course guide and we will use as much time as needed for the exercise, but time to be used for each presentation/opposition is indicated in the course guide. Note that the seminar is mandatory.

See you tomorrow, Wednesday!

All the best



Dear Students, (24-12-13)

I have now created a submission folder for Module 2 of the course, please upload your work there individually, also if you have worked together with another student during the assignment. Also, VERY IMPORTANT: if you work in pairs send me a mail or a text message stating the group members.

I will no later than 13:00 on Tuesday, publish and mail a list of the seminar orders.

All the best




Dear Students, (24-12-13)

The link to the "alternative way" of constructing a research paper is given below.

All the best



Dear Students, (24-12-12)

Tomorrow I will give a short lecture at 10:00 on how to write a scientific paper, use the link below to access the ZOOM-room.

All the best



Dear Students, (24-12-08)

Here is the list of supervision slots for Tuesday and I have reserved 15 min for each of you, which gives the following schedule for the activity:

10:00 - 10:15   Caroline

10:15 – 10:30   Emelie

10:30 – 10:45   Amanda

10:45 - 11:00   Thomas

11:15 – 11:30  Joud

11:30 – 11:45  Kristoffer

11:45 – 12:00  Natalie

13:00 – 13:15  Josefin

13:15 – 13:30  Irene

13:30 – 13:45  Beatrice

13:45 – 14:00  Maria

14:15 – 14:30  Moe

14:30 – 14:45  Theres

If you for some reason cannot make it according to the schedule, I will try to make another appointment with you. If you have decided to work together with someone, you can show up “as a pair”.

Use the link below and see you on Tuesday!

All the best



Dear Students, (2024-12-03)

Very nice to see you today during my short introduction on recent findings regarding present literature reviewing and discussions on your upcoming work on Module 2 of the course. Already in the presentations of Module 1, I could conclude that you are a skilled and focused group of students and expanding your work from the first module to the second should constitute no problem. In any case I am available for additional supervision more or less 24/7; text messages work fine, or simply call: +46707774944.

Formal supervision slots will be given at the end of next week and I will make and distribute a list of personal slots at the end of this week.

Do not forget the program guest lecture by Nicole Bergman of Hitachi company on friday 6:th at 11:00 that Lenka marketed on the program home page. The invitation is repeated hereunder.

All the Best


Guest Presentation: International Talent Recruitment

We are excited to announce a guest presentation on International Talent Recruitment by Nicole Bergman from Hitachi Energy.

📅 Date: Friday, 6th December
🕚 Time: 11:00–12:00
📍 Location: Room 303

Nicole BergmanLinks to an external site. is a Talent Acquisition Partner at Hitachi EnergyLinks to an external site. in Ludvika and an alumna of the Master Programme in Business Studies with an International Focus (2022).

She will share her insights from working as a recruiter for a large international organisation and connect them to theories covered in the International Human Resource Management (IHRM) course. Nicole will also talk about her Master’s thesis "Standardization and customization of the international recruitment and selection process: A study from the cultural and institutional perspective"Links to an external site. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from her experience!

Note: If you are unable to attend in person, you can email Lenka to request a link to join the presentation online. Please note that while we will make an effort to provide streaming, in-person participation is preferred.


Dear Students, (2024-11-29)

Now 13 of you have uploaded your assignments for Module 1. The seminar order will be as follows:

Seminar slot 1: 10-12, B206

First presenter: Thomas                       First opponent: Caroline

Second presenter: Caroline               Second opponent: Emelie

Third presenter: Emelie                        Third opponent: Amanda

Fourth presenter: Amanda                  Fourth opponent: Joud

Fifth presenter: Joud                              Fifth opponent: Kristoffer

Sixth presenter: Kristoffer                   Sixth opponent: Natalie

Seventh presenter: Natalie                 Seventh opponent: Thomas


Seminar slot 1: 15-17, B206

First presenter: Moe                               First opponent: Josefin

Second presenter: Josefin                   Second opponent:  Irene     

Third presenter: Irene                            Third opponent: Beatrice

Fourth presenter: Beatrice                  Fourth opponent: Maria

Fifth presenter: Maria                            Fifth opponent: Theres

Sixth presenter: Theres                         Sixth opponent: Moe


The instruction for the seminar is in the course guide and we will use as much time as needed for the exercise, the slots and rooms are in the course guide. Note that the seminar is mandatory.

See you Monday!

All the best



Dear Students (2024-11-28)

Due to the technical reasons(problems I described earlier I by mistake set de last delivery time for Module 1 to 23:59 tomorrow.

PLEASE: keep the original time of 12:00 so that you can check the other students deliveries and be able to pose some questions during the seminar on Monday!!!

Beste regards


Dear Students, (2024-11-28)

For technical reasons I have changed the Submission Module 1 to become "Inlämning Module"; "Inlämning" is the Swedish word for Submission. Submit your your PPT-Slides in that space!! For Maria who have already submitted her slides you have to take no action, I have moved your content to the new folder.

All the Best



Dear Students, (2024-11-14)

It was very nice meeting most of you yesterday at the course introduction; I have uploaded the introduction slides on Canvas. As regards my recommendation for the first part of the course, I clearly recommend that you start by obtaining a copy of the course book in one way or the other as soon as possible. Thereafter: move on by checking out the first recorded lectures that are uploaded on Canvas, that is, the ones that concern the subject in general terms – lecture 1 and 2 - and the ones that concern the theories in the last part of the book – i.e., the theoretical chapters in section 5 of the book, briefly presented in lecture 3. Finally scan the book for a particular IHRM practice that you pay special attention to. Check the features of that practice by checking out the corresponding lecture and chapter in the pensum book.

As regards the upcoming Seminar 1, read the instructions in the course guide and note especially that it is an individual assignment and that you do not need to prepare a text for the seminar; the assessment of your achievements will be based on your oral presentation and the PPT-slides you upload on Canvas and present during the seminar.

NOTE: The seminars are obligatory, and you have to participate in order have credits.

Any questions are welcome! Just send an SMS or call: +46707774944.


All the best


PS As regards possible literature to gain/repeat some of the fundamentals of HRM, we realized yesterday that the library actually disposed of the majority of the basic textbooks when moving to the new campus building. If you need some input in this respect, I recommend any book that covers the basic topics and contains HRM in the title. I received a commercial push message from SAGE yesterday promoting ‘An Introduction to Human Resource Management’ by Nick Wilton. That is clearly an option, several other titles might do as well. I also checked with program coordinator Lenka Klimplova about options; she as actually preserved some basic book on the subject and you are free to contact her in order to lend a copy. 


Dear Students!

The course starts Wednesday, the 13:th of November at 10:00. The introductory lecture will be given in room B206. Before the meeting, please read the course guide that is already uploaded on Canvas. Do not forget to get access to the course book. It exists for purchase only in an electronic version. You can use this link:


The material in the course book will be complemented during the course according to your choices; decisions on that you can discuss with med me after the course have started. 

And, dear students, if there are any question marks now or during the course, I am "always" available on +46707774944, send a text message or feel free to call. You can of course send an e-mail as well.

Best regards




Course Syllabus

Contact information

indicates that you can upload a photo

Reading List


Mårten Hugosson

Course Coordinator


Course summary:

Date Details Due