Course syllabus
Welcome to the MasterĀ“s Programme in Tourism Destination Development at Dalarna University
This is an international programme and you will have the opportunity to meet students from all over the world. During your studies you will learn how to develop and manage a destination sustainably, and the role of cultural and natural heritage, events and marketing on it. You will also learn how to formulate research problems and work on them. You will also have the opportunity to visit tourism businesses and organisations. Tourism is a major growth industry internationally, and there is an urgent need for knowledge on how to develop destinations in a sustainable way. This programme gives you the opportunity to learn about and participate in interesting tourism destination development projects. The courses adopt the overall perspective of sustainable development and focus on planning and marketing of tourism destinations in both Sweden as well as other parts of the world. Welcome to an interesting academic year in an inspiring international environment in Dalarna! Registrations To participate in the programme you need to register. Before that you must create your Student Account. You can do that online following the instructions at Registration - Dalarna University ( If you have problems getting your account or if you have any questions regarding registration you may contact If you do not intend to accept your place in a programme/course, then it is important that you decline your place on as soon as you can so that we can offer the place to somebody else. Studies The semester starts at the end of August/Beginning of Swptember. Lectures, seminars and project work starts already then so you are expected to be here on the first day . Fall semester ends mid of January and right after the Spring semester starts. The program is a full-time study program (100 %) and as a student you are expected to put an effort of around 35-40 hours a week including classes, reading the course literature, writing assignments, working in projects etc (more information about work load, and terms you may find at Education System - Dalarna University). CONTACT If you have any further questions about the program, you can contact the program coordinator: Ioanna Farsari, |
Contact Information
Ioanna FarsariProgramme Director |
Teacher 1Role in the programme |
Teacher 2Role in the programme |