Course syllabus

Campus Borlänge


Welcome to Mathematics for Static Analysis in Economics - Graduate Level (NA3008) at Dalarna University


This course is about acquiring mathematical skills needed primarily for static (as opposed to dynamic) analysis in economics. The main focus are the techniques to analyse how equilibriums (such as the market model when demand quals supply) change when parameters of the model change and how goal equilibriums (such as profit maximization) are achieved. The topics are for example matrix algebra, constrained and unconstrained optimization.

Learning Outcomes

This course examines the mathematical methods for static analysis in economics. After completing the course, the student will understand and will be able to apply:

- Basic matrix algebra
- Differentiation of functions with one or more independent variables
- Optimisation with and without constraints
- Basic integral calculus

Course Content

The course deals with concepts such as sets, functions, limiting value, continuity, linear models and matrix algebra, rules of differentiation and application in static optimisation problems. The course also examines basic integral calculus.

Examination and Assessment

Written examination (7.5 credits). The Swedish grades U – VG are applied. The written final exam is 50 points and to pass (G) you need to have at least 50% of the total score and for pass with distinction (VG) you need at least 75%. (U=Failure=less than 50% of total score)

Neither calculator nor formula sheets are allowed at the exam. You must register for the exam (contact Nathalie Jangnäs: no later than two weeks before the exam date.

Course Literature

Chiang, A. C., & Wainwright, K. (2005). Fundamental methods of mathematical economics (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 007123823.


The course starts in Week 36 and ends in Week 45.


Exam Dates

Final Exam: Friday, November 8, 2024 ( Borlänge, B301 Lärosal/etage, 08.00 - 12.00)

Re-exam: To be announced

Make-up exam: To be announced



Course Syllabus

Contact information

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Reading List


Alemu Chala

Course Coordinator



Course summary:

Date Details Due