Course syllabus

Campus Borlänge


Welcome to "International relations: An introduction" at Dalarna University

This course introduces the major theoretical perspectives and core concepts of the field of International Relations.  These theoretical perspectives will be applied on international political events, historical as well as current situations.  The perspective of the concepts of structure and actor within the field of International Relations will also be applied.

The language of instruction is English. The course is entirely web-based and consists of pre-recorded lectures and on-line seminars. It concludes with a take away exam (Home exam). Active participation in the Seminars, via Zoom, is mandatory. Before each seminar you are required to submit a written assignment. 

The Course Introduction is Monday 2 Sept 15:00-16:00 at the following Zoom-link:  The same Zoom-link will be used for the seminars.

You can find a preliminary schedule and more information about the course in  "Modules".  Please do not hesitate to contact Veronica De Majo (the course coordinator) if you have general questions about the course. For questions about the lectures, literature, working forms etc. please use the Q&A Forum in Course Information.

If you have questions regarding IT and Canvas and registration, please contact

And you can find more information about your upcoming studies and practical issues on our Student web - Dalarna University (

Enjoy the course!



Course Syllabus

Contact information

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Reading List


Verónica De Majo

Course Coordinator

Veronica De Majo - Profilsida - Högskolan Dalarna (

Schedule SK1054 HT24 240911.pdf


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Anna-Karin Eriksson


Eriksson Anna-Karin - Profile page - Dalarna University (

Course alignment SK1054 HT24.pdf



Course summary:

Date Details Due