Course syllabus

Campus Borlänge


Welcome to "Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 1: Introduction" at Dalarna University

Geographic Information Systems (GIS), or geographic information processing, as it is also called in Swedish, is an exciting field. GIS is often defined as a system that enables the collection, management, analysis, and visualization of information that can be tied to a geographic location. Nowadays, GIS is used in many different application areas. Urban planning, crisis management, or commercial services are just a few of them. The main focus of this course is on two areas - the creation of thematic maps and GIS analysis. Maps are a common output when working with GIS. Whether you just want to show a theme on a map, i.e., visualize, or if you want to present the results of a more comprehensive analysis, maps are often what is visible to the public. Having a basic knowledge of what types of maps can be created, as well as the fundamental cartographic rules, is therefore crucial to visualize correctly and reach the reader. The other part of the course focuses on introducing a few basic techniques that are applied in GIS analysis.





Course Syllabus

Contact information

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Reading List


Zuzana Macuchova

Course Coordinator


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Daniel Brandt



Course summary:

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