Course syllabus


Welcome to the Masters' Programmes in BI and DS at Dalarna University

Dalarna University has offered Master programs in Business Intelligence since 2011 being the first university in Sweden to offer such and one of the first in Europe. In 2019 the programs were reshaped in to a 1-year Master's program in Business Intelligence and another 2-years Master's program in Data Science.

The programs are deeply integrated in the research at the host department of Microdata Analysis. And the Master programs pave the way to the PhD-program in Microdata Analysis. The research is applied and carried out with industrial partners.

Master students are considered an asset in the departmental work as the students are expected to engage also in the departmental activities such as, e.g., the biweekly research seminar.

Business Intelligence

Dalarna University is customary running courses on half-speed meaning that a 7.5 credit course runs for ten weeks. Furthermore, the university recognizes four study periods where the first study period is approximately September-October, the second is November to mid-January, the third is February-March, and the fourth is April-May. The precise dates for the study periods vary from year to year in response to the calender. During the academic year, there are no breaks. All the courses are of 7.5 credits, except for the Thesis work which is of 15 credits. The order the courses are studied differ between the fall intake and the spring intake as listed below.

Students entering the program in the fall:

First study period: Python- and R-programming and Risk Analysis*

Second study period: Data Warehousing and Data-driven Leadership*

Third study period: Data Analysis and Visualization* and Thesis Work*

Fourth study period:Business Intelligence * and  Thesis Work*

Students entering the program in the spring:

Third study period: Python- and R-programming and  Data Analysis and Visualization*

Fourth study period: Business Intelligence* and  Statistical Learning

First study period: Risk Analysis*  and Thesis Work*

Second study period: Data-driven Leadership* and Thesis Work*


An asterisk indicates mandatory course for receiving a 1-year Master's degree in Microdata Analysis with a specialisation in Business Intelligence. Non-mandatory courses may be replaced with other courses in Microdata Analysis on Master's level (i.e. Advanced level).  


Contact Information

Ilias Thomas

Programme Director


Kenneth Carling

Subject Head

Data Science

Dalarna University is customary running courses on half-speed meaning that a 7.5 credit course runs for ten weeks. Furthermore, the university recognizes four study periods where the first study period is approximately September-October, the second is November to mid-January, the third is February-March, and the fourth is April-May. The precise dates for the study periods vary from year to year in response to the calender. During the academic year, there are no breaks. All the courses are of 7.5 credits, except for the Thesis work which is of 30 credits. The order the courses are studied differ between the fall intake and the spring intake as listed below.

Students entering the program in the fall:

Year 1

First study period: Python- and R-programming and Risk Analysis

Second study period: Data Warehousing and Data-driven Leadership*

Third study period: Data Analysis and Visualization and Logic and Mathematics

Fourth study period: Business Intelligence* and  Statistical Learning*

Year 2

First study period: Machine Learning* and Data Collection and Data Quality*

Second study period: Internship or elective course and Thesis Work*

Third study period: Complexity and OR-methods and  Thesis Work*

Fourth study period: Thesis Work*


Students entering the program in the spring:

Year 1

Third study period: Python- and R-programming and  Data Analysis and Visualization

Fourth study period: Business Intelligence* and  Statistical Learning*

First study period: Risk Analysis  and Data Collection and Data Quality*

Second study period: Data-driven Leadership* and Data Warehousing

Year 2


Third study period: Logic and Mathematics and  Internship or elective course 

Fourth study period: Spatial data and GIS and Thesis Work*

First study period: Machine Learning* and Thesis Work*

Second study period: Thesis Work*


An asterisk indicates mandatory course for receiving a 2-year Master's degree in Microdata Analysis with a specialisation in Data Science. Non-mandatory courses may be replaced with other courses in Microdata Analysis on Master's level (i.e. Advanced level).