Course syllabus



Welcome to "State Formation and Citizenship" at Dalarna University

This course provides a theoretical and empirical elaboration on the concepts of state, nation and citizenship. It offers an overview of the development of the nation state and the interplay between actors and institutions in this process. Second, the concepts of nation, nation building and nationalism as well as the spread of nationalism as an ideology and identity marker, are covered. The complex and often fraught relationship between nationhood and democracy is also covered. Third, the course elaborates on variations and forms of citizenship and focuses on issues related to supranational integration, minorities, and cultural pluralism. The course mainly deals with the historical development in Europe but also makes references to other regions of the world.

The course is intended primarily for students taking the Master’s Programme in Democracy, Citizenship and Change.

The lessons in this course will be taught online. Recorded material will sometimes be made available on our learning platform, and Zoom will be used for digital meetings.

After completing this course, the students should be able to:

  •  demonstrate in-depth theoretical and empirical knowledge about historical and structural conditions for state- and nation-building from a comparative perspective.
  • demonstrate in-depth knowledge about the concepts of citizenship and nationalism from a historical and comparative perspective.
  • demonstrate the ability to independently provide an overview and critically evaluate different theoretical approaches within the research field.
  • independently formulate a research problem within the research field and apply a suitable methodological framework.

We hope you engage in inspiring, interesting, and challenging discussions with your teachers and fellow students. As with all courses at Dalarna University, this course has a strong foundation in theory and research.

Here you can find a master schedule for the course (attach file).



Course Syllabus

Contact information

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Reading List

Jenny Åberg

Course Coordinator and lecturer


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Ulf Hansson



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Lars Båtefalk


Course summary:

Date Details Due