Course syllabus
Welcome to the Knowledge Management course at Dalarna University
This course is a part of the Master Programme in Business Studies with an International Focus, and is also offered to Erasmus students.
The aim of the course is to provide you with insights into how formal and informal knowledge is generated and diffused within and between organisations and how such streams of information can be managed. Besides that, the aim of the course is to develop your academic skills such as searching and reviewing academic articles, analysing case organisations using relevant theoretical perspectives and concepts and presenting your findings both orally and in writing.
The course runs between weeks 36-45 at campus Borlänge and it is 50 % rate-of-study course, i.e. you will be expected to study about 20 hours per week.
Content of the Course
In the course, the key concepts and schools in the field of Knowledge Management are presented and elaborated. These schools of thought will be applied to present problem areas concerning the transfer of knowledge. During the course, the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in Knowledge Management, Communities of Practice, and social-cultural issues related to managing and sharing knowledge are also elaborated.
Course Outline and Forms of Study
Introductory Lecture
The introductory lecture will take place on Tuesday, 3rd September, from 12:00 to 15:00, in room B204, campus Borlänge. Attendance is mandatory for all students.
If you are unable to attend for serious reasons, please contact the course coordinator at before the class, or at the latest, on the same day.
Pre-Recorded Lectures / Classroom Sessions
This course will employ elements of the “flipped classroom” approach. You will read the course book and watch pre-recorded lectures, followed by discussions in weekly classroom sessions during weeks 37-40. While these classroom sessions are not compulsory, they are highly recommended. During these sessions, we will discuss what you have learned from the course literature and engage in specific exercises and case studies.
There are two compulsory seminars:
- Literature Seminar (week 43) in which we will discuss your literature papers.
- Final Seminar (week 45) where your case studies will be presented and discussed.
Instructions for these papers and seminars will be published on Canvas.
To support students from diverse academic and cultural backgrounds in understanding Swedish academic standards and learning methods, three workshops focusing on academic skills have been given:
- Academic Writing Workshop (week 38)
- Presentation Technique Workshop (week 39)
- Critical Thinking/Giving Critical Feedback Workshop (week 41)
Attendance at these workshops is mandatory for all students.
Read and follow information here.
The last day to register online via Ladok is Sunday 1st September.
In case of questions or problems with registration, please contact a study administrator via
Contact information |
Lenka Klimplová Course Coordinator and Teacher |
Schedule |
Sarah Ramsay Teaching workshops on academic writing and presentation technique |
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |