Course syllabus


Welcome to Bioclimatic design

This small course will give you an introduction to Bioclimatic design as well as providing some inspirational activities. The forms of teaching and examination will differ from most other courses. You will have an assignment and a task that has to be presented for the class. Some activities are mostly to get to know each other and a workshop is specifically on scientific writing.

Most lectures will be held in classroom and possible to follow on-campus. All lectures will also be streamed online and recorded. See TimeEdit for details. 


Content of the course
Bio-climatic refers to the relationship between climate and living matter. Accordingly, bioclimatic design is about designing for human beings by considering this relationship. The relationship between climate and living matter is also central to the pursuit of reduced energy usage in buildings without sacrificing human comfort needs. The amount of energy used for
heating and cooling a building is determined by (i) the local climate; (ii) the thermal preferences of the occupants and (iii) by the form and fabric of the building.

Within this framework, the primary course focus of this course is climate, human thermal comfort and the fabric of the building. The course starts with the introduction of the theoretical principles of human thermal comfort, the means of micro-meteorological measurements and thermal comfort assessments. Students will put to use this knowledge and learn the basics of field measurement, thermal comfort assessment and reporting. The course
concludes with lectures on common Swedish wooden construction technologies.


Week Date&Time Lecture topics and activities Room Lecturer
36 6th 13-14 Introduction to the course B204,  Samtal 259 Jonn Are
14-15 Groups and intro to assignments B204,  Samtal 259 Jonn Are
37 10th 15-17 Indoor climate and mean radiant temp B132,  Samtal 259 Tomas
11th 15-17 Thermal comfort and metabolism B205,  Samtal 259 Tomas
38 17th 15-17 Micro-climate, climatic parameters B205,  Samtal 259 Vicky
19th 8-10 Artificial lightning and daylight B205,  Samtal 259 Vicky
39 23rd 13-15 History and trends in bioclimatic design B209, Samtal 259 Amjad
26th 8-10 Spiritual aspects of bioclimatic design B205,  Samtal 259 Amjad
40 3rd 8-12 Measurements for assignment B204 Alaa
13-16 Measurements for assignment B204 Alaa
41 10th 10-12 Measurement and accuracy  B204, Samtal 259 Tomas  
42 14th 15-17 Workshop scientific  writing B205,  Samtal 259 Sarah
43 23rd 8-12 Seminar B204, Samtal 259 Jonn Are
13-15 Seminar B204, Samtal 259 Jonn Are
25th 8-12 Seminar B204, Samtal 259 Jonn Are
13-15 Seminar B204, Samtal 259 Jonn Are


We use the same Zoom room every time (Samtal259)

Launch Meeting - Zoom


Forms of Assessment
Your knowledge and understanding of the subject will be assessed via two assignment and a presentation. You will receive a grade on a Swedish scale (U, 3, 4 or 5) of the course based on a 1.0 weight for the presentation and 1.5 weight for the written assignments.


Good luck with the course!

Best regards

Jonn Are



Course Syllabus


Course information

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Reading List

Jonn Are Myhren

Course Coordinator


Jingchun Shen is senior lecturer in construction technology. Email:

Tomas Persson is senior lecturer in energy technology Email:

Alaa Khadra is a phD student in construction technology. Email:

Sarah Ramsay will hold the workshops in scientific writing. Email:




Course summary:

Date Details Due