Course syllabus

Welcome to "Japanese Popular Culture Represented in Anime and Manga" (GJP2MQ) at Dalarna University!

This course is offered online, via the Canvas learning platform and Zoom seminars (the link to the zoom room is in the course guideline module).

In this course, you will get acquainted to the historical development of Japanese popular culture (since WWII), cultural and economic conditions for the Japanese manga and anime industry, and different forms of expression and narrative in the historical development of Japanese manga and anime genres.

The course has 4 main themes (Background, Development of Manga and Anime Industry, Origin and Development of Manga, Otaku Culture). Each theme will be covered in 2 classes (Class 1 to Class 8). The final class(es) - Class 9, and if necessary Class 10 (depending on the number of students) is/are dedicated to your final presentations. The theme of your presentation will be chosen in discussion with the teacher during the course.

Before each class, you are given reading materials which can consist of academic articles, book chapters, blog articles etc. During the course, you are required to hand in two short essays, an outline for the final presentation, and give a presentation of around 10 minutes (this, again, can depend on the number of students to some extent) with visual aid which is the final exam. In order to pass the course, you are required to hand in and pass all the assignments, to pass the final presentation and attend at least 80% of the classes making active participation.

Schedule and Course Outline

GJP2MQ Preliminary Schedule HT24
Class Week Date Day Time Note
1 V37 Sep-10 Tuesday 1500-1630 Module 1 Overview (1)
2 V38 Sep-17 Tuesday 1500-1630 Module 1 Overview (2)
3 V39 Sep-24 Tuesday 1500-1630  Module 2 Manga and Anime Industry (1)
4 V40 Oct-01 Tuesday 1500-1630  Module 2 Manga and Anime Industry(2)
5 V42 Oct-15 Tuesday 1500-1630  Module 3 Origin and Development of Manga (1)
6 V43 Oct-21 Monday 1500-1630  Module 3 Origin and Development of Manga (2)
7 V46 Nov-12 Tuesday 1500-1630  Module 4 Otaku Culture (1)
8 V47 Nov-19 Tuesday 1500-1630  Module 4 Otaku Culture (2)
9 V48 Nov-26 Tuesday 1500-1700 Class 9 will be presentations.
10 V49 Dec-03 Tuesday 1500-1700 There may be Class 10 (presentations) if necessary, depending on the number of students.


Literature List

You can find the literature list here

Contact the Teacher

Contact the teacher, Hiroko Inose, through email: