Course syllabus
Muito bem-vindos ao curso Básico de Português II (PR1019 50%) da Universidade de Dalarna!
Welcome to PR1019: Portuguese: Basic Course II at Dalarna University!
You are now in your course room. Until you register in your course, you will only be able to enter this room and log in as a guest. As a guest, you can access certain information about your course and your first weeks of study.
Registration to the course starts on week 34.
Study Format
Your course will be taught as usual, entirely online (net-based).
Be Ready to Start Your Studies
Throughout your studies, you will use the platform Canvas. Your program is made up of several courses, and every course has its own course room. In each room, you will find teaching material and other information about that specific course. You will also find your schedule in your course room and a list of the books that you should buy before your course starts. These you can buy at a book supplier.
After you register in your course, you will have full access to our learning platform Canvas.
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
- communicate in Portuguese in familiar contexts
- participate in a discussion in Portuguese on familiar topics
- recognise and discuss grammatical structures and use them orally and in writing
- discuss and write simple and coherent texts on familiar topics
- translate brief and simple texts to and from Portuguese
- describe, analyse and contrast different aspects of current Portuguese-speaking societies around the world.
Course Content
The course is a continuation of Basic Course I and focuses on basic language proficiency corresponding to level A2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. By engaging in a variety of different exercises in listening comprehension and speaking as well as by reading and writing simple texts, students develop their ability to interact orally and in writing in Portuguese on different topics. Basic grammar studies are also included in order for students to develop the ability to understand the form and syntax of the language, as well as to carry out contrastive analysis with other languages. The course also includes an introduction to Portuguese-speaking cultures and societies around the world. A selection of texts, which shed light on some aspects of the relationship between Portugal, Brazil and other parts of the Lusophone world in Africa and Asia, is analysed and discussed.
Looking forward to meeting you very soon.
Alda Maria Lentina
Universitetslektor i Portugisiska / Senior Lecturer in Portuguese
(Course coordinator for the “Portuguese: Basic Course I and II” courses)
Contact information |
Alda Maria Lentina Course Coordinator |
Mário Semião Teacher |
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |