Course syllabus



Welcome to the course Global Sexual, Reproductive Health and Rights, ASR24V at Dalarna University

The lectures in this course will either be pre-recorded or lectured live at Campus and on-line via zoomlink. Most live lectures will be recorded and pre-recorded lectures will be available on the learning platform Canvas. Zoom will be used for digital meetings and seminars.

The course Global Sexual, Reproductive Health and Rights is intended primarily for students taking the Master’s Programme in Global Sexual and Reproductive Health. This year we have made the course available as freestanding course also.

During this course Students will analyse global issues that describes the evidence base for major interventions in the field and write a project plan in the area of study that includes methodological and ethical aspects. 

Learning objectives

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
· describe basic concepts in global sexual, reproductive health and rights as well as evidence based interventions and global health policy programmes  that promote sexual and reproductive health
· apply different disciplinary perspectives, theories and methods that include gender and gender perspectives in the subject area
· analyse and discuss, from the perspective of rights, how social, economic, environmental, behavioural and political factors affect the health of mothers, children and teenagers; sexually transmitted diseases; family planning; and abortion care
· present and argue for the proposed design of a research project and put this in relation to ethics, diversity issues and sustainability


We hope you will engage in inspiring, interesting, and challenging discussions with your teachers and fellow students. As with all courses at Dalarna University, this course has a strong foundation in theory and research.
We view group discussions as important in course activities, made evident by the feedback of previous participants of the course, who highlighted the value of group discussions. Due to the broad scope of the course, it is impossible to go in-depth on all topics, but we hope that what you learn will inspire interest and help you develop the tools you need in your continued professional development in collaboration with your future colleagues.



Course Syllabus

Contact information

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Reading List


Christina Pedersen

Course Coordinator


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Ulrica Byrskog

Examiner in the Course


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Maya Guerra Vergara

Teacher in the Course

Course summary:

Date Details Due