Course syllabus
Welcome to your course Sustainable Energy Systems
This course runs in the third year of the Bachelor's program in Sustainable Energy Systems and is also open to exchange students with the right qualifications. The course starts in week 3 (on Tuesday the 16th of January) and ends in week 12. You will be able to join activities in the course on campus or online (some activities are only online). There are no compulsory campus meetings, although you are encouraged to join campus activities if you are able to. Lecture type content will be recorded and available here in Canvas. There is also some pre-recorded content.
First things first
Below, on this page, you will find general information about the course, it's learning outcomes and learning activities. To view the course content you will then need to go to the Modules section (this requires you to be registered). Contact details to teachers in the course can be found at the bottom of this page. If you should encounter any problems of a more general nature, don't hesitate to contact our support staff, either through the support E-mail or our support Zoom room.
Why study this course?
One of our time’s largest challenges is to move entire societies and set structures in a more sustainable direction, the energy sector being of outmost importance for a change to renewable energy. Both large and small energy systems are today in many cases built around fossil or other non-sustainable energy sources. In order to evaluate, improve and design energy systems of tomorrow, we need to put energy technologies and systems in a context that connects all aspects of sustainability both on a local and global level.
In the Bachelor Program in Sustainable Energy Systems, this is the final course before the thesis project and knowledge gained in previous courses will come together and be the basis when choosing and working with an energy system related project. The previous courses most directly linked to this course are Renewable Power Generation, Industrial Heat Technology, Energy Efficiency and Active Electric Networks (somewhat depending on the type of project chosen). This course in Sustainable Energy Systems also connect directly to the final thesis project.
What does the course contain?
The learning outcomes in the course are as follows:
- analyse energy systems from a holistic perspective by identifying and analysing the functions of major components and the way they are connected to a functioning system
- use methods to calculate resource use from a life cycle perspective and critically evaluate the used methods
- choose a model for energy system analysis and evaluate the results on the basis of reliability in the used computational models
- explain the role of an energy system and its development from a socio-technical and techno-economic perspective
- identify, formulate and handle questions relating to energy systems and sustainable development
- work in groups and interact with companies or other parties when executing a project with a focus on energy systems
- present and discuss, both orally and in writing, project results in a scientific manner
Learning outcome (1) is a basis for this course and is required in order to describe and understand the energy system chosen as basis for the project (the main part of the course). This learning outcome is mainly assessed in the final report (system description). To strengthen the understanding of complex systems (of which the energy system is an example) a board game seminar is included in the course. The board game session will be held together with students studying the one year Master's program in Energy Efficient Built Environment.
When working with energy systems and sustainability one important aspect is looking at the bigger picture. For this reason, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is one method discussed in the course (2). Using LCA as well as other computational models to simulate/assess energy systems is part of the course, leading to (3). Both (2) and (3) are mainly assessed in laboratory work.
For energy systems, especially on a larger scale, not only techno-economic and environmental aspects are important, but also socio-technical aspects. How are people being affected by these systems and how are they used? What is required to actually reform or develop larger energy systems with regards to regulatory instruments, regulations, opinions etc? (4) connects to these questions and is assessed in the form of a literature assignment together with a seminar.
When analysing the energy system that is part of your project topic, chosen aspects of sustainable development should be included. To identify and formulate these questions is of outmost importance if systems we design or work with today should move us in the direction of a more sustainable future. This learning outcome (5) is assessed in the final report.
The final learning outcomes (6-7) are assessed in the project work. To be able to interact with external parties as well as present findings both orally and in written form are central both in academic and professional situations.
Learning activities and grading
The main learning activities, and how they connect to the course examination, are described below. The labs and individual assignments are graded as pass/fail, while the project is graded U, 3, 4, 5.
The lectures in this course are not very numerous and mainly contain guest lecturers with an expertise in certain aspects related to energy systems and/or sustainability. Some of the lectures connect directly to learning outcomes (mainly the LCA lectures), while others should be seen as inspiration and help with your own literature review and project work.
Laboratory work and boardgame seminar
In the course there are two computer labs – one connected to LCA and one to modelling larger energy systems from a more technical aspect. These labs were chosen to give better understanding and practice on how to perform an LCA and to give an insight in what kind of technical limitations can be important when trying to change a large energy system to use more renewable energy. The LCA lab is examined based on attendance and approved hand in (1 credit in total) and the energy system lab on attendance and a compulsory board game seminar with connected assignments (1 credit in total).
Literature assignment
Learning outcome (4) is examined as an individual hand in based on a literature assignment together with a compulsory follow up seminar (1.5 credits in total).
Project (written report, progress report seminars, oral presentation and opposition)
The main part of the course is examined in the project work (6.5 credits). The project can be done alone or together with another student. One important part is the background literature study mainly consisting of “self-study”. There are also several compulsory progress report seminars in the course, where you are given an opportunity to show progress and discuss questions and problems with other students as well as the teacher. The course is ended with a compulsory seminar, where you present your work as well as give a written and oral opposition to another project. For grading the project, the following criteria are used:
Grade 3: The student has handed in a well written report following given template and instructions. The questions are clearly understandable with some motivation and support from the background and at least one question is related to a sustainability issue. The main contents of the report have a clear foundation in previous literature, of at least part is of good scientific quality. The described energy system is defined in a clear way with necessary connections to the questions, results and discussion. The student has made an adequate presentation of the project as well as completed peer review of another student’s work according to instructions.
Grade 4: The student has handed in a well written report following the given template and instructions and shown progress through the project course. The report has well formulated questions with support in the background where at least one of the main questions is directly related to a sustainability issue. Most of the report contents have a good foundation in previous literature, of which a large part is of good scientific quality. The described energy system is defined in a clear and relevant way with good connections to the questions, results and discussion. The student has presented a good selection of the important parts of the report in a clear and coherent way, as well as made a well-founded peer review of another student’s work.
Grade 5: The student has handed in a well written report following given template and instructions on time and shown clear progress through the project course. The report has well formulated questions clearly supported by the background, where at least one of the main questions is directly related to a sustainability issue. The contents of the report have a very good foundation in previous literature, of which a majority is of good scientific quality. The described energy system is defined in a clear and relevant way and well connected to the questions, results and discussion. The student has presented well selected important parts of the report in a clear and coherent way as well as made a well-founded peer review of another student’s work.
Course summary:
Date | Details | Due |